
Enders Analysis provides a subscription research service covering the media, entertainment, mobile and fixed telecommunications industries in Europe, with a special focus on new technologies and media.

Our research is independent and evidence-based, covering all sides of the market: consumers, leading companies, industry trends, forecasts and public policy & regulation. A complete list of our research can be found here.


Rigorous Fearless Independent

Francois Godard, senior media analyst at Enders and author of the recently published book “Germany, France and Postwar Democratic Capitalism: Expert Rule,” says France’s standing with international financiers is crucial to the local economy because the “country is Europe’s primary destination for foreign direct investments.” Addressing potential consequences on the French media industry and ongoing consolidation, Godard said “if foreign financiers start deserting, it will put French companies in a difficult situation to borrow money because interest rates will inevitably go up.” France is home of some of Europe’s biggest media groups, including Vivendi, Banijay and Mediawan.

On 4 June 2024, Enders Analysis co-hosted the annual Media and Telecoms 2024 & Beyond Conference with Deloitte, sponsored by Barclays, Salesforce, the Financial Times, and Adobe. 

With over 580 attendees and over 40 speakers from the TMT sector, including leading executives and industry experts, the conference focused on how new technologies, regulation and infrastructure will impact the future of the industry. 

This is the edited transcript of Session Four, covering: artificial intelligence, the new phase of online advertising, and closing remarks. Videos of the presentations are available on the conference website.

On 4 June 2024, Enders Analysis co-hosted the annual Media and Telecoms 2024 & Beyond Conference with Deloitte, sponsored by Barclays, Financial Times, Salesforce and Adobe. 

With over 580 attendees and over 40 speakers from the TMT sector, including leading executives, policy leaders, and industry experts, the conference focused on how new technologies, regulation and infrastructure will impact the future of the industry. 

This is the edited transcript of Session Three, covering: consolidation in the telecoms sector; fixed-mobile convergence; and the future of the fibre industry. Videos of the presentations are available on the conference website.

On 4 June 2024, Enders Analysis co-hosted the annual Media and Telecoms 2024 & Beyond Conference with Deloitte, sponsored by Barclays, Salesforce, Financial Times, and Adobe.

With over 580 attendees and over 40 speakers from the TMT sector, including leading executives and industry experts, the conference focused on how new technologies, regulation, and infrastructure will impact the future of the industry.

This is the edited transcript of Session Two, covering: Sky’s strategy; audience engagement with sport; the role of AI in journalism; and Amazon’s UK business and philanthropy. Videos of the presentations are available on the conference website.

Francois Godard, a senior media analyst for Enders Analysis based in France, said the situation was “a sad one” for French football. “The lack of competition in the domestic TV industry is the big problem,” he said. “The league has made such a big mistake when it sold the rights to Mediapro and then to Amazon instead of agreeing a deal with Canal+.” Godard believes the LFP suffered from “over-confidence” after its 2021 agreement to sell a 13 per cent stake in its commercial operations to CVC Capital Partners for €1.5billion. The money was shared out between the clubs but means that CVC will take a cut of future TV money meaning even less for the teams. Godard said selling the football rights directly to consumers was “very risky” as it was untested. “You are giving up the value of exclusivity,” he added. “I am worried they are going to be burning their boats.”

On 4 June 2024, Enders Analysis co-hosted the annual Media and Telecoms 2024 & Beyond Conference with Deloitte, sponsored by Barclays, Salesforce, the Financial Times, and Adobe.

With over 580 attendees and over 40 speakers from the TMT sector, including leading executives and industry experts, the conference focused on how new technologies, regulation and infrastructure will impact the future of the industry.

This is the edited transcript of Session One, covering: the evolution of streaming models, and public service broadcasting in the digital age. Videos of the presentations will be available on the conference website.

Commenting on the expansion in the context of the Standard’s decline, Douglas McCabe, director of publishing at Enders Analysis, told City A.M.: “It’s impossible not to feel sad about the retreat of the Evening Standard as a great city newspaper of outstanding heritage. “It all too elegantly illustrates some of the fears about local news droughts our research has been describing in recent years. “A small, agile, journalism-focused service like The Mill is a sound idea, though London’s enormous footprint is both prize and challenge. “