ITV FY 2009 results – Preparing for transformation

20 July 2010

ITV survived the worst recession and advertising downturn in its history thanks to market outperformance, cost cutting and other measures that delivered a full year profit of £25 million despite a 7% decline in total revenues, largely the result of a £134 million drop in its core advertising revenues

With the worst of the recession past, the focus of the incoming management is on revival and sustainable earnings growth through a transformation that will make ITV increasingly less reliant on at best stable broadcast advertising revenues in the digital age

Announcement of the transformation strategy awaits the conclusion of the ongoing internal review. We are slightly more optimistic about the TV advertising outlook over the next five years and see some upside potential from possible changes in the airtime rules, whilst the key to revival rests with the future coordination of ITV’s content and multichannel interests

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