NGA in Sweden
This presentation on Next Generation Access in Sweden is the fourth of our reports on NGA in the Continent, after France, The Netherlands and Germany
Announced in March 2008, incumbent TeliaSonera plans to supply between 1.5 and 2 million FTTH or FTTB+VDSL connections to offer very high speed broadband access and HDTV in multiroom via its ISP brand. In our view, Telia’s strategic rationale on NGA, in the context of declining fixed line revenues, is mainly to develop the IPTV proposition to better counter the competitive challenge of cable operator ComHem, the country’s leading TV provider, on broadband and telephony
Telia also hopes to undermine the proliferation of small scale local open access FTTx networks, which allow competitor ISPs to bypass Telia’s wholesale last-mile access products. Such local networks, together with FTTx operator Bredbandsbolaget (B2), have given Sweden the largest number of FTTx connections in Europe, about one in five residential connections