TalkTalk Group Q2 2016/17 results: Growing profits, slowing revenue

16 December 2016

TalkTalk’s broadband subscriber decline has re-accelerated, with retail weaker than wholesale, and its consumer revenue is declining at 6%. This is partly due to price change timings, partly due to last year’s cyber-attack, but also partly due to underlying weak retail broadband subscriber growth

EBITDA did grow strongly, although this was in part due to less subscriber growth. The new pricing plans will likely drive more short term revenue weakness, but could potentially drive lower churn in the medium term, and they have renewed TalkTalk’s price competitiveness, particularly on high speed products

Longer term, we still think that the company will find it challenging to stabilise its retail broadband base in the face of a slowing market and Virgin Media’s network extension, at least without significantly upping its marketing spend and sacrificing some margin

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