Update on KPN’s fibre roll-out

20 July 2010

In The Netherlands, KPN faces strong competitive pressure on voice and broadband from cable operators historically addressing subscription TV services due to their superior fibre/coax networks – KPN needs to upgrade its ADSL network to increase IPTV coverage and bandwidth to compete effectively on the triple play

KPN is pursuing a multi-technology approach to its network upgrade, deploying VDSL over the existing copper access network as a ‘transitional’ solution, accompanied by deployment of FTTC and FTTH. Currently, 13% of Dutch homes are passed by fibre, with KPN setting a ‘medium term’ coverage target of 30-60% of households

KPN says that FTTC and FTTH trial results show material increases in ARPU and market share, supporting the case for deployment. KPN is assuming entirely the costs of FTTC, but the investment in more expensive FTTH is being made by joint venture KPN-Reggefiber, whose need for finance in mid-2010 will require it to convince debt markets of its business plan for FTTH

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