The Cairncross Review has now reported on the tough question of “how to sustain production and distribution of high quality journalism in a rapidly changing technology environment”. New codes of conduct for the platforms and publishers are the Review’s key policy recommendation.

In particular, the Review addresses the sustainability of public interest, including local, journalism. This news is important for democracy, but expensive to do well, not particularly popular and most sabotaged by an online ecosystem that rewards traffic over quality.

This is a landmark public intervention, but implementation will be critical, even if there is no silver bullet – platforms, publishers and citizens need to rise to the challenge.

Consolidated TV viewing continued its seemingly relentless decline in 2018, falling 5% year-on-year (YOY)—its worst drop since the phenomenon began in 2011.

Meanwhile, unmatched TV set use—which includes Netflix, Amazon and YouTube consumption, as well as gaming—continued its upwards trajectory across all age groups, now accounting for 20% of total TV set time.

Consolidated TV viewing is increasingly reliant on its core viewers, with half of all viewing accounted for by the 20% of people who watch the most, up from two-fifths in 2010.