Part Two of our annual report on classifieds covers property, auto (used) and directories

As with recruitment, covered in Part One, a step change downwards has occurred in the underlying volumes of transactions driving classifieds in property, autos and directories

Publishers of commercially-run classified sites must contend to different degrees with the presence of Google

Advertiser interest in print editions of directories will remain as these continue to attract mainly older consumers and households outside urban areas

Advertisers face a fragmented marketplace online for directory services, as desktops are used for in-home services, while smartphone apps supply the destination services prized by the affluent, young urban dweller

Germany, the UK and France are the three largest advertising markets in Europe, worth €40.3 billion in 2009, of which €8.9 billion was spent on internet ads, 65% of the total across the continent (based on IAB Europe survey of 19 countries)

In per capita terms, the UK and Germany spend the most on advertising: in 2009, roughly €200 per head was spent in the UK and Germany, 40% more than in France

Google’s UK results and other key indicators for the first half of the year confirm that online advertising increased in line with our overall forecast for 2010

We anticipate that deteriorating consumer confidence in H2 2010 will lead to deceleration of advertising growth, including the internet – confirmed by early anecdotal feedback from agencies and ad networks

Our revised forecast for Google’s UK ad revenue is 15% YoY growth in 2010 and 11% YoY growth for UK internet ad spend to £3,800 million

The ebook market has broken out of its niche. Just 3% of the US consumer books market in 2009, ebooks are on track to hit 10% this year, with the UK following close behind. With global consumer books a $120 billion industry, disruption will have dramatic consequences

Amazon has sold perhaps 3-5m Kindles in 33 months – Apple sold 3m iPads in the first three months and 3m of the iPhone 4 in the first three weeks. Amazon might look as though it is on the back foot, but as this week’s £109 Kindle shows, the game isn’t over yet

We expect the ebook market to splinter, with tablets, ereaders and smartphones all playing important parts for different genres and demographics. This makes control of the Kindle platform a key advantage for Amazon

The Apple ‘antennagate scandal’ has received massive press attention, reflecting perhaps more the extent of Apple’s smartphone incumbency than the extent of the reception issues with the iPhone 4

The problem may be greater than Apple publicly admits to, but it is less than it first appeared to be. The resulting consumer confusion will not help unit sales, but we still expect them to grow, supported by a number of feature set advances in the iPhone 4

Android handset sales are growing very rapidly, and are in a sense ‘catching up’ with the iPhone; while Android may end up dominating the mid-range, the iPhone can still enjoy an (enlarged) position at the top end, provided it can maintain a premium price justification

UK reported mobile subscriber growth has returned to stronger growth over the past few quarters as the UK economy slowly recovers

O2 is still the leading operator in terms of both its own customer loyalty and share of other operators’ customers who intend to switch, though its lead has narrowed considerably on last year

UK handset sales are likely to continue to rise, with intention to replace in the next 12 months rising from 32% in 2009 to 35% in 2010, which is albeit still some way short of the 40% pre-recession figure

Data usage overall is up –the proportion of consumers regularly browsing news and information increased to 22% from 16% last year. However, this increase was not uniform; 5ppts of this was the direct result of there being more iPhones and BlackBerrys in use, and only 1ppt was due to increased usage on any other handset

FT has put majority stakes in Orange Sport and Orange Cinéma Séries on the block, and claims to have held discussions with News Corp. We think it unlikely that an investor would be interested in entering the French pay-TV market, dominated by Vivendi’s Canal+

We believe FT could find a buyer for Orange Sport in Disney’s ESPN, which could prove viable if a cross-retailing deal is reached with Canal+. A Eurosport merger is another option. Orange Cinéma Séries could be viable under a new owner, if it widens it distribution to other platforms

Now officially on the way out of the pay-TV production business, a welcome decision in our view, Orange can focus on improving the consumer value of the basic TV offering on the triple play marketplace


Launching in the US this autumn, with international rollout due in 2011, Google TV uses enhanced versions of the Android mobile OS and Chrome browser to deliver full access to the internet via ‘Smart TV’ sets and devices

Google TV extends the company’s vision of the open internet to the living room, beyond the PC and mobile, where internet-enabled TV sets will take increasing share, raising search revenues, with potential to take a piece of the $150 billion global TV ad market

Pay TV platform operators’ are unlikely to embrace Google TV to avoid cannibalising their own business models, limiting adoption to free-to-air TV homes, at least initially, and direct revenues are likely to be slow to develop


In June, Apple’s new ‘iAd’ unit will begin serving ads within iPhone apps. iAd will compete with Google’s AdMob, paralleling Google Android’s competition with the iPhone, as the two companies contend to shape how people will use the mobile internet

The iPhone’s success is underpinned by apps, which draw in both consumers and publishers in a virtuous circle, but undercut Google’s search model. With iAd, Apple seeks to make sure iPhone apps remain the most profitable place for publishers

Steve Jobs has suggested a multi-billion dollar revenue potential – the true figure could be a tenth of that, but the real value of iAd will be in defending and supporting the iPhone

FT’s domestic fixed line revenue decline accelerated in Q1 2010 as Orange’s broadband subscriber growth continued to disappoint, despite price cuts

FT’s higher service level has sustained premium pricing to date, but competitor altnets are also improving service – FT must run to stay still in a fast moving competitive marketplace

New promotions and/or price cuts for the triple play are required to stabilise Orange’s broadband market share, at the cost of further fixed line revenue decrease