The internet continues to gain share of media consumption and advertising at the expense of traditional media in the UK. This report highlights key online trends in the UK and our current forecasts for internet advertising in 2010 (we will address mobile advertising separately)

Recent news flow – including Google UK’s Q4 2009 results and reports of facebook’s rapid revenue growth – points to a better than expected recovery in internet advertising. On a like-for-like basis, we estimate that online ad spend grew 2.2% last year to £3,425 million or 23.5% share of total advertising

We have raised our 2010 UK forecasts and now predict that Google’s UK gross revenue will grow 12.5% YoY, helping to drive online advertising spend up 7.6% to £3,685 million (excluding sites currently not reported by IABUK/PwC)

The economy remains an issue, with the potential impact of tax rises and cuts in Government spending in H2 threatening the already anaemic recovery. In our view, the balance of risk is still on the downside

Google this week launched the Nexus One, a high spec handset equipped with the latest Android software, customised by Google, branded with Google and sold exclusively through Google (but made by HTC)

In contrast to its usual cooperative self as regards mobile, the Google go-it-alone approach of the Nexus One is likely to irritate handset manufacturers, handset distributers and mobile operators alike

The very limited distribution and limited marketing is likely to limit Nexus One sales, despite the strong hardware and software. The prospects for the Android platform in general remain strong, particularly in mid-range handsets, especially if Google maintains a more cooperative approach than the Nexus One launch has signified