Disney surprised few with the launch of the SVOD service DisneyLife in the UK in November 2015, unlike its subsequent push into China

This could be seen as a mitigating strategy in face of partner streaming services beginning to invest increasingly in original content. But it also provides Disney with a streaming presence from which to build, or add spice to future licensing negotiations

Despite finding itself behind in the SVOD audience race, global affection for Disney, a typically handsome platform and a targeted roll-out should see success

Trinity Mirror is launching a national newspaper, New Day, into a challenging marketplace: declining volumes of -7%, and the loss of £121m (-9%) in advertising in 2015 alone

New Day has been inspired by market research into lapsed newspaper buyers. While consumer behaviour is largely driven by a shift to digital, mobile and social media distributed news, some consumers want a different print product from anything in the marketplace

In digital, New Day eschews the need for a website or App, focusing on social media to market the product; a rare example of a strategy that does not blur or compromise print and digital objectives