France’s altnet Iliad again delivered stronger than expected profit and cash flow growth in 2009 on the back of continued strong results at the Free brand and a positive contribution from the Alice brand

These results demonstrate the continued pull of Free for the triple play customer despite intensifying competition, including from cable, making the low cost, low churn business model sustainable

By 2012, we expect fixed line profitability to increase and deliver enough cash flow to finance the launch of the Free Mobile project

Internet advertising rose 4.2% YoY in 2009 on a like-for-like basis in the UK, according to IABUK/PwC, due to growth in search, with classified and display down; however, previously unreported spend, including Facebook, pushed the total to £3.54 billion

Last year, for the first time, Google accounted for over half of spend (versus one third in the US) and 12% of UK ad revenue, a market presence that is significantly larger than in the US

Including Facebook, now No.1 for display, and increased spend on search, our 2010 growth forecast is 11%, pushing total spend to £3.82 billion or 25% of UK advertising

The proposal by the Conservatives to remove or to moderate Contract Rights Renewal if elected would put ministers back into the thick of competition issues

The Conservatives strongly supported the move to make the competition authorities independent of government in Enterprise Act 2002, and should this stance be reconsidered, the regulatory landscape for business would acquire a political dimension, to the detriment of UK business generally

CRR is a side issue and the Conservatives could be better advised to examine closely the marketplace for TV advertising sales in order to make it more transparent and thus work better for the industry as a whole

Hulu’s postponed UK launch, and the inability of SeeSaw and MSN to get carriage deals with the BBC and ITV, underscore the difficulty for internet TV aggregators of acquiring mainstream content

In-stream video advertising is nascent – we estimate it was worth just over 1% of UK TV ad spend last year – giving major channel operators/rights holders little incentive to syndicate their programming to online services

The future for ad-funded internet aggregators continues to look highly challenging, aside from YouTube, due to its audience scale and Google’s deep pockets


Despite the recession, in 2009 the French broadband market added 1.8 million connections to reach 19.6 million, but we expect the deceleration in growth to persist in 2010

Orange’s leading position weakened further in Q4 2009, despite retail price cuts, and we expect a further decline in market share in 2010, impacting FT’s top-line

SFR was the star performer of 2009, although its Ebitda margin has improved slightly. Iliad remains the ‘best in class’ in terms of profitability, but must address high churn at Alice. Bouygues’ fixed line début was an impressive splash – at a cost


Mobile content is moving to the centre of strategies for online
media. At MWC, the world’s biggest mobile conference, Google announced it now develops
all products ‘mobile first’ and Facebook reported a quarter of its 400m users access
the service through mobile

Three years after the iPhone 
launched, the handset industry is catching up, adding decent user interfaces
and mobile apps to colour touch screens and taking easy access to mobile content
beyond the iPhone

Beyond the self-selecting early adopter iPhone base, we found
real evidence of companies already successfully providing mobile content to much
wider segments of the population


ITV survived the worst recession and advertising downturn in its history thanks to market outperformance, cost cutting and other measures that delivered a full year profit of £25 million despite a 7% decline in total revenues, largely the result of a £134 million drop in its core advertising revenues

With the worst of the recession past, the focus of the incoming management is on revival and sustainable earnings growth through a transformation that will make ITV increasingly less reliant on at best stable broadcast advertising revenues in the digital age

Announcement of the transformation strategy awaits the conclusion of the ongoing internal review. We are slightly more optimistic about the TV advertising outlook over the next five years and see some upside potential from possible changes in the airtime rules, whilst the key to revival rests with the future coordination of ITV’s content and multichannel interests

The IFNC process remains on track, but the pilot contracts may not be signed off this side of the general election – if Labour wins the election, this will not be material to the pilots or the wider IFNC project in the Digital Economy Bill

Given their opposition to IFNCs, we expect a win for the Conservatives would halt the pilot negotiations – as well as the wider IFNC project

The Conservative plan appears to be the creation of a network of local media companies. We are sceptical that such LMCs would be commercially viable

The internet continues to gain share of media consumption and advertising at the expense of traditional media in the UK. This report highlights key online trends in the UK and our current forecasts for internet advertising in 2010 (we will address mobile advertising separately)

Recent news flow – including Google UK’s Q4 2009 results and reports of facebook’s rapid revenue growth – points to a better than expected recovery in internet advertising. On a like-for-like basis, we estimate that online ad spend grew 2.2% last year to £3,425 million or 23.5% share of total advertising

We have raised our 2010 UK forecasts and now predict that Google’s UK gross revenue will grow 12.5% YoY, helping to drive online advertising spend up 7.6% to £3,685 million (excluding sites currently not reported by IABUK/PwC)

The economy remains an issue, with the potential impact of tax rises and cuts in Government spending in H2 threatening the already anaemic recovery. In our view, the balance of risk is still on the downside